Here you will have access to teachings and guidance which will support a direct, personal relationship with your Creator/God by rediscovering your spirit. It’s a process. It’s real.
As you develop a confidential relationship with God and grow in your love, faith and trust in God……you become spirit “ REBORN “…..your spirit becomes engaged in your day. Establishing that relationship ….that connection to the Creator……markedly lessens the human struggle in life, preserves and appreciates the joy and beauty in living as all outcomes when being spirit–led are BETTER THAN EXPECTED. That you will discover as the relationship evolves.
“ Be thou…when thou prayest enter into thy closet and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy father which is in secret…..”
Go where you have the greatest privacy and alone open your heart to the Lord (Yeshua/God).
Practically speaking, acquire a journal and pen and begin to talk to the Lord as if you were writing a letter. A journal for your eyes only. Doing so in a private/confidential manner will reinforce to you that this relationship is between God and you…….no one else and nothing inscribed by others supersedes what knowledge you acquire spiritually. This website doesn’t tell you who God is but it does talk about spirit and it’s way. And you find out (rediscover) it yourself.
As you daily give your attention and time to this relationship and grow in your love, faith and trust in the Lord……your spirit becomes engaged again (reborn). When you speak to your Creator it’s your spirit that sends and receives messages. Without it you could not communicate to God. Establishing that relationship, that connection to God markedly lessens the human struggle in life, preserves and appreciates the joy in living and all outcomes are Better Than Expected. Such will be as the relationship grows.
As you tell your story…..where you’ve been….what you make of your life so far….what you yearn for….what you believe now…..how you feel about yourself, your work,
and your spouse….how you feel toward God as taught and practiced by followers of a religion. Open your heart….tell it like it is…..as you do you are engaging spirit. Spirit (me) is sending those sentiments directly to the Creator.
“ If you bring forth what is within you
what is within you will save you…..
If you do not bring forth what is within you
what is within you will destroy you.”
– Yeshua
The Founder would explain Yeshua’s profound truth this way; a person’s life could be likened to a garden. Whatever you water/nurture in your garden that is what will grow. If you can’t tell the difference between a weed (which competes for nutrients but serves no value) and a crop (that provides sustenance), you’ll care/nurture both. Seeing/identifying/admitting weeds (bring forth what is within you) will allow you to cease nurturing and instead pull and discard the weed….making more room for crop. You ask your Creator for help in doing just that.
As previously stated, developing any relationship implies giving it time and attention. Don’t expect this process of knowing God is instant, or that God takes the initiative and bombards you with some celebratory emotion or explosion of knowledge and faith….it will not happen. Not that it never happens that way. It does. But that’s indicative of the fact that your spirit is always present and on rare occasions it will show itself when God is attempting to ‘bust through’ often under circumstances that may be crucial to such an effort, i.e. you’re vulnerable, somewhat open when usually you never are.
Otherwise the process is customized for you. The Creator personalizes all his dealings with you. They could be very unique yet still absolutely valid. An example: the Founder was brought up in the Catholic religion as well as an acquaintance. The Catholic religion holds many former leaders of the church (saints) as well as biblical angels worthy of prayer and supplication. As such the acquaintance communicates directly with angels (Gabriel etc.) and through them he learns about God. The Founder talks to God directly. That’s the image he has. Regardless, God responds. What if you speak Italian so does God. What if you have the image of God as the Sun……the Sun will speak to you. The Lord is not interested in your beliefs/religion he’s more interested in your welfare. He’ll do what he has to to get through to you. The Creator fervently seeks this relationship and that will be evident to you as this friendship develops.
“……I call you friend.“
– Yeshua
Another feature of spirit is it only deals in what is real – the truth. It does not respond or recognize fantasy or the unreal as anything but the imagination of man. What that means is that spirit communicates what is true, what is real. All teachings/revealments and understandings are true. Talk to spirit about Superman/Santa Claus/Dumbo….there will be no response. The unreal, the false…..doesn’t exist in spirit. It only has a place in man’s world. Mankind uses lie, deceit or fraud to gain. Spirit recognizes all these forms of deception for what they are and is not fooled by them. This will be explained later.
If you go to God and bullshit….there will be no response. If you go to God and expect some earth shattering sizzle go up and down your spine – don’t hold your breath. If you don’t go to God because you’re pissed at him and you think he’s full of crap…you’re probably referring to those who taught you about God but lived lies. Don’t hold what man has claimed/declared as God’s Word, whichever way they came by the Word……..ask God directly!
“ And all things ….whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing , ye shall receive. “
– Yeshua
Going to God directly, human (me) may approach the prayer on one’s knees out of respect and humility, after all you’re approaching the Creator. Outside the monologue that defines your journal any prayer (communication of one spirit to another) is acceptable. Make it personal and relevant to you. What are you asking for…..help…guidance..safe transit…a sustaining harvest…understanding?
Help me Lord…..to keep an open ear…..an open eye…an open mind…an open heart and open arms that I may heed your Word and follow in the path of your beloved Yeshua, whom we know as Jesus, so that each day I may be a more disciplined and fulfilling disciple of your Word.
Engaging your spirit is your only connection to God. The body is connected to the world, not capable of communicating with God. Being spirit also, God communicates with your spirit. That communication is instant….a brief understandable message. The Founder calls it a “ knowing “ or “understanding”. Nothing you hear…except in your mind. The message is short, to the point and usually a simple statement. It is not a list, a paragraph or a lecture. The knowing could come as something you see/witness and God instructs you to “pay attention/remember this”. Later you come across a similar image and an understanding or perhaps an answer to a prior question is given. You will find that God has very clever/customized ways of communicating . Unique as to the language/culture of the seeker.
Your human nature comes with the body you’re in. Your spirit entered the body at the time it took it’s first breath. When it leaves the body it will be after the last breath. Spirit gives life to the body. Without spirit there is no life.
Spirit nature is best described as loving and it will not force itself upon your human will, just as God’s spirit does not force itself on you, in other words you have free will. As such, since your spirit doesn’t force itself upon human (me) that means Human (me) must step aside willingly…..recognize its limitations and acquiesce to spirit (me) leading the day/responding to the day. It’s definitely a choice made within your free will to decide who is gonna run your day………human (me) or spirit (me).
Human (me) has its will, what it wants to do……reacting to what it has experienced…what it has learned….how it feels….what it believes….what it attempts to figure out/plan….then executing its will. But often not making the desired impact or expected impact. And one crucial aspect is its capacity for emotion…fear, anxiety, guilt, anger, exhilaration, doom, gloom, confusion and frustration. Also it’s capable of being deceived and finally and most importantly has no idea of the future (doesn’t even know its next thought). These limitations make it a poor leader in your day.
You might ask, how did that happen that my spirit gives life to my body but doesn’t assert itself; doesn’t take command thereafter.
The spirit’s purpose was to enter a lifeform (whereby it gave life to the lifeform) to experience its nature. As the lifeform develops/matures/adapts and survives in the world of course it becomes more attached/dependent /connected to the world. Naturally, we come to depend on our physical being /human (me), its brain (thinking/problem solving/communicating), its experience/memory, its feelings then acting or reacting according to its needs and desires. It becomes more dominant and spirit (me) respecting free will and not able to impose itself takes a back seat to the self-determined ever emerging human (me). It’s also understandable that since human (me) depends upon the world to live another day it will rely on itself. Giving up that control is a major obstacle to many who consider turning control over to the Creator but in reality you discover that human (me) is losing control yet spirit (me) has stepped in. In fact, your true/core identity is taking control while being helped by the Creator.
We can go it alone. Like most, depend on our human abilities to meet the challenges of life. We might become successful. Yet we also come to find that if we enlist the assistance of others (as a pack of wolves do) we’re more assured of success especially when our pursuits agree with the pursuits of others.
That brings to bear the issue of community…..a group of folks depending on each other to survive/sustain and perpetuate the group. As human (me) matures and becomes dependent on the world it attempts to manage/lead and decide what to do according to its will (self). Its priority is self-preservation in regard to sustenance, shelter and security. The more immediate/demanding/needful human (me) is….the more human (me) is engaged…assessing the situation…knows what it likes …what it dislikes…what it wants and what it will do to satisfy those needs, regardless of the welfare of others.
Self-preservation is a perfect motivation/purpose to have for all living lifeforms, yet what about community, association with others? Humans learn quickly how dependent they are on others. Human (me) is ill-equipped/ill-suited for denying self and acting on behalf of others. But spirit (me)’s nature can bring that ability to associate…cooperate…join and agree with others. And it does so without seeking gain, unlike most humans who will participate in anything whereby they gain from a group effort and would otherwise not associate if there were no personal reward. Many gurus of self-improvement and religious organizations claim that human (me) can become self-less, put others before themselves ignoring the inability of human (me) to deny its nature. If one tries, there will never be success only battle after battle (constant internal warfare) attempting to suppress, ignore or deny one’s nature. Will not happen. Spirit (me) can assuage/assure human (me) and proceed in love (profound care for all creation).
Human (me) serves perfectly to survive in the world while spirit (me) serves perfectly to live in association with others. The following comparison illustrates the difference:
What is spirit’s nature and how does it manifest itself?
Spirit……….has no gender
has no emotion (no fear/guilt/shame/frustration/anger)
has no desires/needs (no ambition)
has no capacity to suffer (no needs/no loss)
has no need of shelter/sustenance/security
has no need to learn (has access to truth/reality)
Spirit.………..has access to (via its relationship to the Creator)
truth/reality (not able to deceive)
unlimited knowledge/wisdom
better then expected outcomes
Spirit………….state of being is:
peacefulness (profound calm)
profound respect/love for all life
contentment (whether with or without)
Once becoming spirit reborn/engaged human (me) diminishes in its presence. That implies that every feature of its nature is greatly reduced. Suffering is greatly reduced. Fear is greatly reduced. Frustration is reduced. Worry is absent. Planning is not pursued except for the most immediate needs determined by external/non-controllable forces. The Founder often claims that his human (me) is 1% of his day and suffers 1% of what it use to suffer. It’s not an exaggeration although he admits how can one assess the percentage but comparatively it definitely is lessened. Stories will be shared in the Working Hour that attest to this phenomena.
“for my yoke is easy and my burden is light”
How can that be?………..except via spirit.
Aware that entering the world to experience a physical manifestation is a singular affair this go around and the choice to depart this world is given to me just as entering it was. And what I carry to infinity is only memory. Like a movie my life has a beginning and an end but the actor goes on.
What will God ask of me?
God asks one thing of his followers/disciples……….be loving. Be loving in everything you do. That bottom line is acceptable to God. No law or rule to follow but a principle – be loving. That is easy when spirit is engaged because its nature is loving. It’s not an effort for spirit, it comes naturally. For human (me) being loving is not its nature and attempts at being loving will be weak at best and unsustainable eventually. It cannot go against its nature. The Founder has realized in his spirit -led journey that despite a diminished human emotion he cares more for others and all life then he ever did while human-led. It was a surprise to realize that emotion is not necessary for love/caring. God (spirit) has no emotion yet God cares for all his creation.
Its crucial to understand that the Lord expects your spirit manifesting a loving way will occur over time as you establish this relationship. Again, its a process. There may be an unloving past that when “brought forth saves you” and love fills its place in your garden. Also to remember what is another principle – God forgives. Judgment and punishment is man’s way not spirit’s. Which brings into question the existence of Hell and Satan. When the Founder asked the Lord if Satan existed the answer was – nothing exists that is not needed by something else. Another principle that can be applied to any entity claimed to exist.
What is loving is acceptable to God. What is not loving is not acceptable. Pursuing unloving actions is outside God’s participation, meaning you don’t benefit from his guidance, his protection, his knowing of the future or his direction, you’re on your own. God will not interfere however destructive you may be to others or yourself, respecting the free will he granted you. But you are on your own and responsible for what consequences come your way.
Extremely important to your growing relationship with God is……..waiting. As you close each visit and journal entry ask for any help or guidance and wait on that request. Go about your daily routine and leave your concerns/requests/questions with the Lord. In due time he will respond yet waiting on his direction is what you came to him in the first place – so, be waiting but do not worry and rehash your concerns, no, let God work it out. Your expectation is…..”Lord, let me know what you would have me do and when you would have me do it”……….and Leave It!